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B2b SaaS Product

The 10 Commandments: A Guide for Early-Stage Tech Founders

Maggie Bolt
June 2, 2023

Embarking on a journey as a startup tech founder can feel like navigating uncharted territory. The world of technology or SaaS start-ups is complex, brimming with opportunities, challenges, and fierce competition. Yet, it's an exhilarating space where innovative ideas can transform into life-changing products. If you're a tech entrepreneur at the beginning of this thrilling startup journey, it's essential to understand the critical steps to building a successful product and acquiring customers. In this blog post, we outline the "10 Commandments" - key considerations and tips that every tech founder should keep in mind during the initial stages of their startup journey.

  1. Market Research: Before you start building a product, you must first understand the needs of your target audience and the market itself. Identify who will be buying your product, the needs and challenges they have, and how your product will fill a gap or provide a better solution than what's currently available.
  1. Product-Market Fit: Ensure that your product fits the needs of your target market. Conduct surveys, user testing, and get feedback to understand if your customers find value in your product.
  1. Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Start with a simple version of your product that solves the problem. This allows you to test the market and gain feedback for further product development. Your MVP will very likely look nothing like the final product that makes it into the market, but it is an important step to understand the functionality of the product. Get started, then iterate. 
  1. Iterative Development: Once your MVP is out, don't stop there. Regularly iterate on your product based on customer feedback and evolving market trends. Agile methodologies can help facilitate this process. In a recent interview with Founder and CEO of AudiencePlus, Anthony Kennada, a big piece of advice he gave was to build in public to gain real-time feedback from customers before hard launching the product. Get experts in the field to test your product, tear it apart and give constructive feedback on how to improve the product for the intended audience. Get started, and worry about perfecting it along the way. 
  1. A Strong Team: It's vital to assemble a team that shares your vision and possesses a diverse set of skills. Ensure a balance of technical skills, business acumen, and creativity. Founder and CEO of Pavilion, Mariel Reed, shared a piece of advice for fellow startup founders based on her experience, which was to spend time building a quality team that believes in the purpose of your product and shares the collective vision of what you are trying to accomplish. 
  1. Customer Acquisition Strategy: Develop a clear strategy to attract and retain customers. This could involve content marketing, social media marketing, SEO, partnerships, or paid advertising. Understand your ideal customer profile, including how they make decisions, where they look for solutions and what influences them. 
  1. User Experience (UX): A good product is intuitive and easy to use. Invest in UX design to make your product as user-friendly as possible. A poor UX can lead to a high churn rate and dissatisfied customers.
  1. Scalability: Plan for growth. Make sure your tech stack and business processes can handle rapid increases in users or transactions. This may involve launching a beta product to a select number of customers before hard launching the product to mass audiences, to ensure you have the right infrastructure to provide quality support to your customers. 
  1. Capital Utilization: Having sufficient capital is crucial for startup founders. In a down market, founders must be strategic with their capital more than ever, and be able to extend their runway to survive a slower market. Consider various funding options such as bootstrapping, venture capital, angel investment, or crowdfunding.
  1. Monetization Strategy: It's important to have a clear business model that outlines how your product will generate revenue. Whether it's through direct sales, subscriptions, or pay-per-use, you should be able to articulate clearly how your product will make money to investors. CEO and founder of Vergo, Rich Kane mentioned in a recent interview that the startup world is all about pursuing big ideas and delivering significant returns. Investors want to see enormous potential for growth. Throughout your investment meetings, you might have to consider alternative approaches. Remember that your business model will likely evolve over time, as external factors such as interest rates or market conditions change.

Navigating the early stages of building a SaaS product is both a challenging and rewarding journey for startup founders. By keeping these 12 commandments at the heart of your strategy, you can align your product, team, and business model to the needs of your target market, ensuring you create a product that genuinely resonates with your customers. Remember, success doesn't come overnight. The startup journey is a process of continuous learning, adaptation, and growth. As an entrepreneur, your success comes down to more than building a successful product; it's about building a business that can innovate, adapt, and thrive in the ever-changing tech landscape.


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